
Flexble tubes for central air condition

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Flexble tubes for central air condition

Fan coil unit, abbreviated as fan coil unit, is one of the end devices of an air conditioning system composed of small fans, motors, and coils (air heat exchangers).

Flexible Tube for Centralair - Condition

Fan coil unit, abbreviated as fan coil unit, is one of the end devices of an air conditioning system composed of small fans, motors, and coils (air heat exchangers). When chilled water or hot water flows through the coil tube, it exchanges heat with the air outside the tube, allowing the air to be cooled, dehumidified, or heated to adjust indoor air parameters. It is a commonly used cooling and heating terminal device.

Product model and parameters

CH01 type

CH02 type, insulation sleeve

CH03 type

CH04 type







1. 在安裝過程中,應盡量先使軟管接頭變到所需要安裝位置再進行連接,禁止強行扭曲連接,以免損傷軟接頭。
2. 在安裝過程中,嚴防用力過大,以免擠碎或擠傷墊片,影響密封效果。
3. 安裝軟接頭時,要防止焊渣飛濺到軟接頭上,更要防止機械性損傷。
4. 用戶在使用墊片時,應注意:當密封兩端為不銹鋼時,應盡量避免使用石棉墊片,因為石棉墊片在某些情況下會對不銹鋼件有腐蝕現象發生,此時可根據實際應用環境選用合適的橡膠墊片。
5. 軟接頭材料為鎳鉻奧氏體型不銹鋼,使用時要防止氯離子的腐蝕,氯離子的含量應不超過 25ppm為好。
6 本產品常規長度為50-500mm,用戶如有特殊要求,可以提出。我們將根據您的生產需要生產相應的產品。

7在CH01、CHO2、CH03、CH04 及CH09 型中,對絲或陽螺紋按頭均可改換成陰螺紋連接。

Functional effects

Fan coil units should create an indoor air environment that is suitable for human comfort. Due to the crucial role of indoor air environment in human comfort, creating the indoor air environment required for human comfort has become the primary task of air conditioning work. If the indoor air temperature is required to be 24 ° C and 11 ° C, and the relative humidity is 55% to 15%, then the air conditioning system not only needs to maintain a temperature base of 24 ° C and a humidity base of 55%, but also needs to ensure the temperature accuracy of 11 ° C and a humidity accuracy of * 5% (i.e., the allowable range of temperature and humidity fluctuations), as well as high freshness and cleanliness of the fan coil unit.

(2) The fan coil unit should meet the indoor air environment required for process production. Some production processes have extremely high requirements for temperature and humidity environments. Temperature and humidity conditions not only directly affect the normal operation of the production process, but also affect the output and quality of products. Such as textile production, precision instrument production, and pharmaceutical production processes

(3) Eliminate harmful indoor gases and concentrated heat and moisture emissions. The carbon dioxide in a comfortable air-conditioned room and the unpleasant odor in the bathroom. The production workshop of process air conditioners produces toxic, odorous and other harmful gases, as well as a large amount of heat and humidity in local areas. Fan coil units need to be eliminated by channel air conditioning and exhaust facilities in order to obtain a good indoor air environment.

Certification and recognition

China Classification Society Quality Certification Company

Quality Management System Certification: ISO9001

Environmental Management System Certification: ISO14001

Company Organizational Chart

World Customs Organization (WCO) certified operator

AEO Certificate Our factory sincerely welcomes domestic and foreign users to write to order Baokai Metal Hose series products. We will continue to abide by the contract, ensure quality, ensure progress, and provide you with thoughtful and meticulous services.

The product can be delivered to your doorstep or entrusted for delivery.